Sunday, October 7, 2007

Gen. Musharraf’s Re-election: Who’s Gonna Stop Him?

"Democracy means majority, whether there is opposition or no opposition,” said Gen. Pervez Musharraf, military ruler of Pakistan, after he got an overwhelming majority in a recent “presidential election”. It seems that Musharraf is now out to teach the world what democracy is all about! What an irony! A military ruler who captured the power in Pakistan through a coup is now delivering lectures on democracy. Who has given him the authority to hold the election? He is nothing more than a self-styled "president" of Pakistan.

But, is there any real need for Mr. Pervez Musharraf to hold an election? I believe that he can stay in power as long as he wants. Because, military rule in Pakistan has become a normal thing for the ordinary people and they have accepted it as their destiny.

That’s why we can’t see any backlash against his rule all these years. The protests we have seen so far inside Pakistan are not against Musharraf’s illegal occupation of power. Some of the protests came from fundamentalists - those opposing his support to the US led operation in adjoining Afghanistan border. Another range of opposition came when he sent troops into Laal Masjid; that’s too from the fundamentalist groups. We also witnessed another nationwide protest by the lawyer community in Pakistan, when Musharraf dismissed the chief justice. He handled all these with ease and put himself back into the position of comfort.

But, no real protest from the general public or no political movement against his illegal rule. We have seen what people and political movement can do to a king in Nepal. Popular outrage has already started in Bangladesh just after a few months of illegal rule. The only exception is Pakistan, where people has learnt to live under military rules and compromised with their democratic rights. People of Pakistan show their anger against the US led invasion of Iraq, but not against the invasion of their own parliament and democracy. They come out to the street to protest against the killings of Taliban militants, but not against the person who threw out their democratically elected prime minister and his government.

So, I think, it’s a safe haven for Gen. Pervez Musharraf to continue his illegal rule in Pakistan with the blessings from the president of the United States of America, who considers Gen. Musharraf as a “trusted ally” in his so called “war against terrorism”.

But, I really don’t understand why these people are holding this drama of election? Is it to gain some sort of legitimacy? Is there any need for that? He is the “Boss” out there. He can do anything. Who’s going to stop him? People of Pakistan can’t do that, neither the US has any such intention. So, stay in power Mr. Pervez Musharraf, but please don’t call it a democracy for the sake of democracy.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Gandhi - A Cool Dude!

Just saw a report published in the Times of India on Punjab Jail Manual that prohibits prison inmates from wearing a Gandhi cap even after 60 years of independence. Shall we laugh? Feel crazy or just ignore. I feel, we have become so indifferent with these kind of reports coming out in media that we don’t even read these stories. It’s because of our “chalta hai” kinda approach that we are now very much used to it. Everything is “chalta hai” in India.

But, I really feel crazy when think deeply. What the political people, leadership, bureaucrats, and other institutions and of course citizens (you & me) were doing all these 60 years? Have you ever think about the terrible condition of our institutions? Why we failed to make these institutions strong enough to work properly? Think about the parliament, the judiciary, law enforcement agencies, and financial institutions. There is not a single institution in India that you can be proud of.

I have been listening since my childhood about parliamentary reforms, police reforms, judiciary reforms and so on. But, there is still no progress. We are happy with our age-old system – Chalta hai. Now, don’t ask for a solution from me. I have no idea about what can be done to resolve these issues. I am writing just because I feel crazy about all these. Just think for a while, how crazy these people are that they can’t even change a clause in the above mentioned police manual that stops prisoners from wearing a Gandhi cap.

And people here are out for Gandhigiri. I feel the so called Gandhigiri is nothing more than a fashion trend driven by a masterpiece movie staring Sanjay Dutt. Everything here is driven by Bollywood movies (ask a child here to sing a song, s/he will definitely sing a Bollywood item number).
It’s just the blind following of a movie superstar. Our hero has done something in a movie and now we have to follow. It’s the same as following a haircut or a particular dress. I don’t think there is any substance in the latest Gandhigiri movement. It will fade up soon as many other fashion trends. People are happy doing Gandhigiri just because it’s “Cool”. They are not following it because they love Gandhi’s thoughts or principles. It’s because Gandhi is “a cool dude” now.

Share your thoughts.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Happy Birthday to Toilet Paper – How crazy is this?

Birthday of toilet paper, a daily usage utility that guarantees reliable virus protection and hygiene, was celebrated recently on August 26 by the members of a Holiday Retirement Village. On last Thursday, members of this community ate cake and ice cream and party whole night to celebrate this memorable occasion.

Estimates vary, but according to the president of this retirement village, the toilet paper was used for the very first time on August 26, 580. They have conducted some research into the history of toilet paper and finally decided on the date.

If you go by the history, then Joseph Gayetty of New York was the first man who got the credit for inventing toilet paper in the year 1857. But, it was a failed venture as toilet paper made of flat sheet did not work. After few years, toilet paper on a roll was developed by Walter Alcock of Great Britain.

But, after a decade of many experimental ventures finally in 1867 the Scott brothers (Thomas, Edward and Clarence) of Philadelphia successfully launched and marketed small rolls of perforated paper. People were waiting enthusiastically. So, they grabbed it, used it like never before - it was a hit in the market. The journey of a great toilet paper making company (Scott Paper Co.) started that way.

So, on next August 26, don’t forget to buy a cake and celebrate the birthday of toilet paper.

Happy Birthday Toilet Paper!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Crazy Image: The Most Beautiful Mummy in the World

The most beautiful mummy in the world!!!

This girl died of a disease when she was just 5 years old.

Her mother asked a doctor to make her a MUMMY and kept it in an Italian temple
It's already 80 years old.

We Need Religion More Than Education: How Crazy is That?

Good News: A recent survey of 200 charitable organizations across the globe found that donations to nonprofit groups or NGOs increased by almost 25% last year.

Hang on...don't be so happy, read on...

Bad News: Not all charitable organizations gained equally from this increase.

  • Religious groups gained the most (30 percent).
  • Followed by environmental groups (23 percent).
  • Whereas educational charitable organizations get a marginal increase in donations (3 percent).

So, people are ready to give more donations for charities, but their priority is not education as they prefer to give more to religious organizations. Don't you think it's crazy?

It's not only that the funds from Arabian and Gulf countries boosting Madrassaes, but more surprisingly the donations from western and developed countries going to the religious organizations.

I just wonder, what makes these people believe that religious organizations need more help than educational institutions? It becomes more ridiculous, when we all are aware of the terrible state of education and literacy rate in developing and poor countries.

Tell me, how crazy is that?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Delhi: City No. 1 in India to Live in – How crazy is this?

Today, I got a report (by Ernst & Young) on the net that says Delhi is the best place India to live in!!! I was feeling like crazy while reading it. Can you believe it? Here is some excerpt from that report:

Riding on its high quality of life, transportation infrastructure and overall labor force contributing to its economic growth, Delhi has emerged on top among 48 Indian cities, including Mumbai, as the best place to reside, according to a report by Ernst & Young.”

I think, people of Delhi know the facts and will laugh when they come to know that Delhi has become City No.1. As a resident of this city I can tell you that Ernst & Young has gone mad as life here is nothing less than “hell” for an ordinary people.

We know what it takes to travel in a DTC or Blueline bus during office hours. Just think about the traffic at ITO crossing or Delhi-Gurgaon high way. Recently we have seen the terrible condition of Delhi’s transportation infrastructure when Blueline operators went off the road. What about the water logging in a number of places just after a 5 minutes rain? Just can’t imagine what will happen to Delhi, if it experiences the similar kind of rain fall as in Mumbai or Kolkata. Is that what we call a good transportation infrastructure?

The most painful feature of Delhi’s infrastructure is the power cut during hot summer. After a day’s hard work you return home to find yourself in dark. 45 degree C accompanying a long power cut - unimaginable conditions. I just wonder…how can the life in the capital city of world’s largest democracy be so pathetic? Also, don’t forget the problem of clean drinking water!

And still the No. 1 city in India to live in? How crazy is that?

Crazy Images: How Crazy is this?

Great Paint Job

Two Headed Turtle

World's Largest Flower

Attack Of The Dolphins

Funny Classifieds: How crazy is this?

Funny Classifieds

Man Bites Dog

A 33-year-old man faces charges that he bit a police dog during a disturbance outside a downtown bar in Syracuse, New York. Paul Russell was charged with injuring a police animal, resisting arrest and obstruction of governmental administration. "I don't think I bit the dog. I just got into a fight with him," Russell said. "I don't really remember what happened. I was pretty drunk."

The incident occurred when Officer Foster and his dog, a German shepherd named Renny, were sent to investigate a disturbance at 10 p.m. outside a bar in Syracuse's Armory Square district. Russell said he and a friend were asked to leave the tavern and then got into a tussle with bouncers. According to police reports, Russell grabbed Renny by the throat and started choking the animal and biting it on the left side of his neck. After the arrest, Renny was taken to a veterinarian. Foster said the animal had swelling in his neck and was sore where he was bitten. "The dog is off for the next two days. He'll be back for his regular shift. He's not expected to miss any time," said Lt. Cecile, a police spokesman.